I thought I would give you some general shots around Angel House. If I've sent some before, please forgive me.
Here's Holly hugging one of the orphans. Holly just loves these kids and the work she is doing.

It's bath time, and the little ones get their baths outdoors.
Here's the new chicken house we're building. And yes, I'm helping and even made some suggestions that have been incorporated in the KooKoo house.
These are water and dirt bearers. They carry water for cement and other mud type mixes. They carry dirt to fill in the cracks of the foundation around the stones. It's a special kind of dirt used in most construction and is luckily found on Angel House grounds.
This is a photo of the 3-burner stove.
Here is the fire wood pile. It's new wood that I helped gather with some of the younger kids, and is a little green at this time, but will dry out for later use.

Here's how the fundis (workers) get to the school building site. This is the "big" truck and was down for a time. The little truck was used, a small Toyota size, and was it overloaded.
Here's the kids in the truck when we went to gather wood. They love riding in it.
This is the school site, it's pretty much done and this is only one of three classroom sites. It now needs all the furnishings, desk, supplies, etc. It's hoped to be in operation for secondary (high school) students in January. The younger kids school rooms will be built as soon as we can. You can see the foundation for the administrative building in the foreground. It is now getting the roof done and finishing touches, ie, doors, etc. It needs to be in place in order to open the high school.

Here's Pam when we first arrived, I may have already posted this, but I just love this photo. The little girl was sick and had fever and a rash, which Pam finally got rid of.

Can't get enough of these kids, what a smile.
That's it for now, thanks for tuning in.
Thanks for taking the time to blog about your experiences, Will forwarded me the link. I almost cried at the picture of Pam cuddling the little girl - what a fabulous opportunity to help these kids.
ReplyDelete- Amy Larson