Well Thanksgiving is almost here. We are having the staff of Angel House out to lunch on Thursday. We are having African food with an American celebration. We will be hiring someone to take care of “The Littles” ages 18 months to 5 years, the rest of the kids will be in school. It will be nice to have everyone together at the same time. That doesn’t usually happen because someone always has to stay back and take care of our little kids who can get into a lot mischief. Did I tell you that the 2 three year olds got into the charcoal one day? Eric said, “I didn’t think black kids could get any blacker but they can.” Then they got into raw eggs and broke 6 of them. Yesterday they were adding water to dirt and making mud pies not only that but one of the boys decided there wasn’t enough water in the mud so he peed in the puddle. That ended the pie making! I scolded him in English and set him in time out. I have no idea what he understood, but he knew I was mad!
My daughter sent me “Thanksgiving in a Box” that arrived on Thursday. She had put in some of the truditional foods, green bean casserole fixin’s, a can of pumpkin, a couple cans of turkey (white and dark meat) a box of stuffing and decorations so I am anxious to fix that all up. I think I will make gravey and put the turkey in gravey and serve it over mashed potatoes and stuffing with green beans on the side. She also sent Thanksgiving napkins. How thoughtful! Thank you Deanne! The only problem is we do not have an oven or microwave. We do however have a toaster oven and hot plate with 2 burners so as long as we have electricity we’ll have Thanksgiving! We are thinking about buying a generator because the electricity goes off so often.
Speaking of getting boxes, Dr. Lisa, one of our main sponsors sent over 33 boxes. She is coming between Christmas and New Years with a team of 22 and will be building a playground for one thing. While Dr. Lisa is here she will be doing dental check ups on all the kids, staff, and we hope to invite the people of Gamasara Village to have dental check ups too. So, anyway, she sent over supplies and other goodies. We have been going to the post office every day to look for the packages. Thursday the post master finally told us that the packages were all in Musoma about an hour and 45 minutes away and they could only send up to 5 packages a week to Tarime where we live. It just so happened that Liz and Eric, and Holly were in Musoma and able to pick up all the packages. There were so many that the back end of the truck was full. It was like Christmas only Supersized!
This week I have been working with Lucy on getting things done that she needs to come to America. Mick, one of our visitors a few weeks back, who used to be an airline pilot, has made the arrangements on the American side. Lucy will be attending a private Catholic School in Connecticut where they have English as a second language and that teacher speaks Swahili! How perfect is that? Lucy and I went to the government hospital to have an AIDS test, a TB test and a physical. The paperwork from the school wanted her height in feet so they asked Lucy to take off her shoe and they measured her foot. I had worked with a doctor who spoke good english once before at the government hospital his nickname was Dr. Pepsi, (I’m guessing he drinks a lot of Pepsi?) I asked to see him again for the physical and the receptionist walked me across the street (the government hospital is made up of a lot of buildings so I was not suprised that we had to cross the street) to a small shop and she apologized that they only had Coke. We all got a good laugh out of that. Lucy is now about ready and she is so excited! I believe Mick is meeting her in Nairobe and Lucy will be living with him and his wife while in America. We are all excited for her too. Mick and his wife are so generous to do this for Lucy. I can’t wait to hear the stories she comes back with. She leaves on December 1. So prayers for a safe and uneventful travel would be appriciated.
Holly and Liz have now hired a Head Master and a Second Head Master and today they are doing interviews for teachers. I think we really ARE going to open in January. That will be a very happy day for our high school who have had to walk 90 minutes to school every day. Now it will be a 2 minute walk across the front yard:-)
I have taken pictures of some of the plants and flowers they have here but this blog is getting too long to add that so maybe next time. Believe me we have some Dr. Susse types plants around here. Now I know where he got some of his ideas for the pictures in “Horton Hears a Who”.
Happy Thanksgiving, think of me eating rice and beans.
Blessings and TIA, Pam

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