One note about Shirati that Pam left out, included with the bats that were present for supper, was a very friendly cat both nights we ate. It sure was howling for fish. Got kicked out one door, and just went around and came in another door.
I’m also attaching some photos of Lake Victoria and the shoreline. They were really touchy about photos, so couldn’t really take any of the village and people.
I’m also attaching some photos of Lake Victoria and the shoreline. They were really touchy about photos, so couldn’t really take any of the village and people.
Ok, just to show I'm still around and Pam isn't here alone, here's a photo of us on the shores of Lake Victoria

Below is the shoreline with the boats. Upper right is the new government fish house where all the fish will be brought and weighed and given to shippers. Upper left is an island that people will go to picnic.
The village we were in where all the fish come to is named Soto. The fishermen go all the way across the lake as there are no fish just off shore. They usually come back about 11am and we were there late afternoon. These were fish just brought in. We did eat fish two nights in a row and it was really good.
They have some really nice looking birds here, roosters for one, but they have some really ugly birds also. This is one, kind of a cross between a pelican and a crane with a little buzzard mixed in.
There are sail and outboard fishing boats. We saw one sail in and only had one fish in it, my kind of fishing luck.
She had never seen a lake before. She did wade in the water, tried to pick shells from the lapping shore waters and here she is taking a last look at the lake before we go back to town.
WOW! I truly admire you for taking on this challenge and for what you are doing. May God continue to bless you richly.
Merry Christmas to both of you and God Bless You. It's Thurs. afternoon here and just starting to snow. Tomorrow is suppose to be snowing but not on Christmas. Hope so. I really don't like this cold weather. We plan to leave for AZ on Sunday if the roads are OK. Roxanne is doing quite well. She keeps real busy. Love, Barb P.S. Happy New Year