Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I just got back from Shirati with Rhobi. Rhobi came to us about 9 months ago with a boil (large pimple) on her leg. It has kinda healed but it is still painful and opens up and is weepy from time to time. The hospital in Shirati has an orthopedic surgeon coming in December from Canada. We went there to have a preliminary check up done. I took the x-ray with me from the government hospital here in Tarime. She has an infection in the bone. The only way it will ever heal and stop hurting is if she has surgery on it and gets it cleaned out from the inside. Rhobi actually has holes in her bones from the infection eating away the bone. Before Rhobi came to us she was sexally, physically and emotionally abused by her family (not her parents it was whoever took care of her after parents died, an uncle maybe) She is a very shy and quite child. Her voice is so small I sometimes have to ask her to repeat her question. She will have surgery on December 14 and will be in the hospital 7 days. Mark and I are talking about going with her. Someone has to sleep at the hospital with her because the care is so poor. Plus someone has to bring in meals they do not feed the patients there. She is a very slight eater and is very thin right now. I'm guessing she doesn't feel like eating because of the pain. Plus she walks an hour or more to school every morning. She loves school and doesn't like to miss it. The good news is that the hospital is run by the goernment so there is no charge for the bed, but there will be a slight charge for the surgery.
If anyone out there would like to send her something to do in the hospital, like coloring books, DVDs, games, cards, stickers (for when she has to go threw painful procedures) sweat pants or zip up sweatshirt, size 12, (she's cold all the time) hard candy like Jolly Ranchers, our address is below and I'll be sure she gets it.

Our address is:
Pam Travis
PO Box 175
Tarime, Mara, Tanzania (EA)

PS We did get some oatmeal for Mark so he's good for now. I have a microscope that needs AAA batteries, I can't find any in town so not sure they have them. I thought I was being so smart not relying on the unreliable electricity.
PPS Does anyone know where the spell check is on the blog site?

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