Wednesday, December 8, 2010

We had a very disappointing day today. After months of work to get VISAs for Anna, the director of Angel House, and Lucy, a student they were dennied VISAs. A lot of money has gone into sending them to the US. $400 each air fare to Daresalem,the capital, plus hotel, bus fare and meals for 3 days. Things have been in the works for Anna to accompany Dr. Lisa home and for Lucy to attend an American school for a couple of months. People on both the American and Tanzanian side are frustrated and disappointed. They had every piece of paper needed. Lucy had a letter from the school, physical, reason for going and the reasons for comming back. Anna just got married, has 3 children, a home, a great job and owns land here. There would be no reason for her to want to stay in America yet they were turned down. The other bad thing is that you can only apply for a VISA three times in your lifetime and they can turn you down three times.
So sad day here but the Lord is good all the time.
Blessings, TIA Pam


  1. Is it possible to appeal this decision? How about contacting local politicians on this end? Where was she planning to go to school? Seems like there should be some recourse here.

    Claudia Peebler
    Derby, Kansas

  2. Claudia, The person Lucy was going to stay with was and Air Force Poilet and lawyer. He has lots of friends in high places in the US government. And no one was able to help. So much work went to this. We did not have a copy of the air line ticket with a return flight booked and this was one of the requirements we did not know about that they needed. Plus the government over here is so currupt that if we'd had enough money we could have bribed our way in but we want to make a statement by doing things properly. We also hear US only lets so many many in each year and perhaps they had filled the quota. We also heard that only 1 in 35 who apply get VISAS. So it was lots of money and time spent. We finally gave up this last Monday. They are on the way home by bus. 24 hour trip. Thanks for the suggestions and the support. Pam
